Introducing Radical High Totally Mint GM Screen

The first Paradox Games product of 2024, Radical High Totally Mint GM Screen, is now available. The first thing you may notice about it is how colorful it is. Presented in vibrant neon primary colors and black, it is an attractive accessory for your tabletop.

The Totally Mint GM Screen provides the most commonly-used tables on the side facing the player: Task Resolution, Probability Chart, Reaction Rolls, and the class schedule. The GM’s side features a dozen stats and tables, that save the Game Master a lot of work thumbing through various Radical High modules to check a roll result.

There is more to the GM screen than meets the eye. Inside is an 8-page booklet with cards and counters and other gaming aids, as well as instructions for their use. This will enrich the Radical High experience.

Radical High Totally Mint GM Screen is available fat Big Geek Emporium, from this direct link: You can also order directly by contacting us via email at It’s the perfect compliment to Radical High Core Rulebook.