Fantasy Tactical Hex Maps

Sure, there are dungeon crawler maps all around, but they’re always so square! I want to play on hexes! You just might, too, and Paradox Games’ Grognard’s Realm division has a collection of hex maps for various scenario types. The maps are available through The Game Crafter, at this link:

The scales range from 1 to 1 and a half inches per hex, so be sure to read the scale before your purchase, and enure it’s on a scale you would like.

A description of each map is below:

Arena A1

A colosseum where slaves are pitted against each other, with a “rotating” mesa in the center.

Arena A2

“Frozen Fountains of Fate”: An ice prison with “geysers” that can serve many other purposes. Includes a scenario and rules for sliding.

Arena A3

This is a large combat area with various terrain types that can be left up to the Game Master’s imagination.

Arena A4

This is an area with hexes of different colors, each representing different elevations. It features four unique “teleport” hexes.

Arena A5

This symmetric arena is balanced on a thin fulcrum. The combatants must maintain a canter of gravity or the entire arena will teeter off to one side, killing everyone.

Dungeon D1

“Trideka Tower”: This is a floor of a 13-story tower the adventurers must ascend. Twelve areas line the side to store creatures and objects left behind on lower levels as the players ascend.

Dungeon D2

This is a two-sided map with two similar configurations but very different terrains. It can be easily folded to 4×8 inches for ease of portability.

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Author: pdoxg

Publisher of games. Lover of games.

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